Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 02:05 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 54034
Total Files 48770
Total Pages 53016
Total Visits 1518
Total KBytes 2067069
Total Unique Sites 942
Total Unique URLs 314
Total Unique Referrers 1455
Total Unique User Agents 168
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 72 206
Hits per Day 1743 3149
Files per Day 1573 2718
Pages per Day 1710 3054
Sites per Day 30 103
Visits per Day 48 282
KBytes per Day 66680 192476
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 90.26% 48770
Code 304 - Not Modified 8.50% 4593
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 10
Code 404 - Not Found 1.22% 661

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2798 5.18% 2718 5.57% 2771 5.23% 41 2.70% 45 4.78% 192476 9.31%
2 1266 2.34% 1250 2.56% 1236 2.33% 49 3.23% 47 4.99% 42623 2.06%
3 1630 3.02% 1613 3.31% 1604 3.03% 259 17.06% 77 8.17% 87753 4.25%
4 1381 2.56% 1373 2.82% 1370 2.58% 282 18.58% 74 7.86% 74968 3.63%
5 1743 3.23% 1730 3.55% 1717 3.24% 19 1.25% 34 3.61% 146046 7.07%
6 2256 4.18% 2233 4.58% 2231 4.21% 29 1.91% 36 3.82% 190681 9.22%
7 234 0.43% 234 0.48% 234 0.44% 6 0.40% 6 0.64% 17180 0.83%
8 957 1.77% 936 1.92% 929 1.75% 26 1.71% 38 4.03% 22572 1.09%
9 1082 2.00% 1042 2.14% 1039 1.96% 65 4.28% 38 4.03% 32549 1.57%
10 1436 2.66% 1417 2.91% 1405 2.65% 27 1.78% 37 3.93% 51526 2.49%
11 1389 2.57% 1376 2.82% 1367 2.58% 13 0.86% 23 2.44% 53492 2.59%
12 2043 3.78% 1456 2.99% 1997 3.77% 51 3.36% 44 4.67% 44686 2.16%
13 1885 3.49% 1430 2.93% 1830 3.45% 38 2.50% 62 6.58% 39759 1.92%
14 3149 5.83% 2442 5.01% 3054 5.76% 51 3.36% 103 10.93% 104393 5.05%
15 1894 3.51% 1382 2.83% 1808 3.41% 28 1.84% 88 9.34% 59777 2.89%
16 1522 2.82% 1343 2.75% 1504 2.84% 37 2.44% 36 3.82% 58384 2.82%
17 1795 3.32% 1780 3.65% 1774 3.35% 33 2.17% 32 3.40% 65660 3.18%
18 1958 3.62% 1719 3.52% 1941 3.66% 37 2.44% 34 3.61% 50406 2.44%
19 2411 4.46% 2122 4.35% 2363 4.46% 37 2.44% 48 5.10% 51753 2.50%
20 2983 5.52% 2717 5.57% 2907 5.48% 36 2.37% 72 7.64% 106604 5.16%
21 2999 5.55% 2041 4.18% 2923 5.51% 62 4.08% 82 8.70% 72494 3.51%
22 2683 4.97% 2066 4.24% 2673 5.04% 65 4.28% 21 2.23% 92029 4.45%
23 1914 3.54% 1890 3.88% 1883 3.55% 65 4.28% 41 4.35% 64630 3.13%
24 2214 4.10% 2192 4.49% 2192 4.13% 57 3.75% 44 4.67% 61106 2.96%
25 2353 4.35% 2330 4.78% 2330 4.39% 52 3.43% 36 3.82% 77780 3.76%
26 2228 4.12% 2198 4.51% 2207 4.16% 36 2.37% 29 3.08% 61012 2.95%
27 897 1.66% 874 1.79% 868 1.64% 32 2.11% 30 3.18% 29098 1.41%
28 920 1.70% 907 1.86% 906 1.71% 22 1.45% 23 2.44% 55466 2.68%
29 537 0.99% 518 1.06% 513 0.97% 19 1.25% 21 2.23% 15553 0.75%
30 551 1.02% 528 1.08% 528 1.00% 22 1.45% 29 3.08% 17424 0.84%
31 926 1.71% 913 1.87% 912 1.72% 61 4.02% 27 2.87% 27189 1.32%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 74 2305 4.27% 66 2049 4.20% 72 2250 4.24% 2808 87056 4.21%
1 75 2333 4.32% 69 2166 4.44% 74 2297 4.33% 2904 90035 4.36%
2 66 2063 3.82% 65 2032 4.17% 65 2023 3.82% 2561 79383 3.84%
3 73 2288 4.23% 69 2139 4.39% 72 2250 4.24% 2630 81523 3.94%
4 73 2285 4.23% 67 2102 4.31% 72 2256 4.26% 2603 80693 3.90%
5 72 2256 4.18% 66 2064 4.23% 72 2232 4.21% 2530 78437 3.79%
6 74 2323 4.30% 68 2129 4.37% 73 2274 4.29% 2616 81111 3.92%
7 75 2342 4.33% 68 2117 4.34% 73 2290 4.32% 2600 80598 3.90%
8 75 2327 4.31% 68 2109 4.32% 73 2279 4.30% 2585 80138 3.88%
9 75 2344 4.34% 68 2114 4.33% 74 2314 4.36% 2691 83417 4.04%
10 75 2329 4.31% 68 2131 4.37% 73 2291 4.32% 2912 90267 4.37%
11 74 2296 4.25% 67 2079 4.26% 72 2255 4.25% 2813 87208 4.22%
12 72 2259 4.18% 65 2038 4.18% 71 2212 4.17% 2768 85818 4.15%
13 70 2188 4.05% 63 1955 4.01% 69 2147 4.05% 2703 83802 4.05%
14 72 2233 4.13% 63 1969 4.04% 70 2194 4.14% 2703 83796 4.05%
15 69 2163 4.00% 62 1924 3.95% 68 2126 4.01% 2659 82420 3.99%
16 66 2051 3.80% 62 1923 3.94% 65 2015 3.80% 2846 88240 4.27%
17 69 2142 3.96% 62 1945 3.99% 67 2093 3.95% 3017 93526 4.52%
18 69 2167 4.01% 61 1915 3.93% 68 2118 4.00% 2944 91260 4.41%
19 68 2136 3.95% 59 1851 3.80% 67 2096 3.95% 2885 89435 4.33%
20 70 2176 4.03% 60 1877 3.85% 68 2112 3.98% 2877 89173 4.31%
21 73 2263 4.19% 63 1978 4.06% 71 2220 4.19% 2959 91732 4.44%
22 76 2367 4.38% 66 2066 4.24% 74 2316 4.37% 3107 96306 4.66%
23 77 2398 4.44% 67 2098 4.30% 76 2356 4.44% 2958 91694 4.44%

Top 30 of 314 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 42775 79.16% 909431 44.00% /webalizer/
2 4926 9.12% 570250 27.59% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
3 3230 5.98% 378998 18.34% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
4 1350 2.50% 142622 6.90% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
5 291 0.54% 33274 1.61% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
6 110 0.20% 68 0.00% /
7 7 0.01% 826 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
8 6 0.01% 698 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202001.html
9 6 0.01% 721 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202103.html
10 6 0.01% 712 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202107.html
11 6 0.01% 749 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202111.html
12 5 0.01% 529 0.03% /webalizer/usage_201712.html
13 5 0.01% 489 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201904.html
14 5 0.01% 609 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202006.html
15 5 0.01% 606 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202011.html
16 5 0.01% 567 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202102.html
17 5 0.01% 602 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202202.html
18 4 0.01% 15 0.00% /webalizer/daily_usage_201908.png
19 4 0.01% 8 0.00% /webalizer/hourly_usage_201908.png
20 4 0.01% 487 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201811.html
21 4 0.01% 489 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201812.html
22 4 0.01% 490 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201901.html
23 4 0.01% 481 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
24 4 0.01% 491 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201903.html
25 4 0.01% 490 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201907.html
26 4 0.01% 482 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201908.html
27 4 0.01% 474 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201909.html
28 4 0.01% 477 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
29 4 0.01% 464 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202002.html
30 4 0.01% 486 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202008.html

Top 10 of 314 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 42775 79.16% 909431 44.00% /webalizer/
2 4926 9.12% 570250 27.59% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
3 3230 5.98% 378998 18.34% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
4 1350 2.50% 142622 6.90% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
5 291 0.54% 33274 1.61% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
6 7 0.01% 826 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
7 6 0.01% 749 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202111.html
8 6 0.01% 721 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202103.html
9 6 0.01% 712 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202107.html
10 6 0.01% 698 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202001.html

Top 10 of 75 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3230 5.98% 523 34.54% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
2 42775 79.16% 519 34.28% /webalizer/
3 4926 9.12% 167 11.03% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
4 110 0.20% 104 6.87% /
5 1350 2.50% 35 2.31% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
6 291 0.54% 8 0.53% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
7 7 0.01% 6 0.40% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
8 6 0.01% 5 0.33% /webalizer/usage_202111.html
9 5 0.01% 4 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201712.html
10 4 0.01% 4 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201908.html

Top 10 of 81 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3230 5.98% 522 34.59% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
2 42775 79.16% 516 34.19% /webalizer/
3 4926 9.12% 169 11.20% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
4 110 0.20% 99 6.56% /
5 1350 2.50% 35 2.32% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
6 291 0.54% 6 0.40% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
7 6 0.01% 5 0.33% /webalizer/usage_202001.html
8 7 0.01% 5 0.33% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
9 6 0.01% 5 0.33% /webalizer/usage_202103.html
10 5 0.01% 5 0.33% /webalizer/usage_202202.html

Top 30 of 942 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4747 8.79% 4747 9.73% 113063 5.47% 2 0.13%
2 4514 8.35% 4514 9.26% 107520 5.20% 1 0.07%
3 2948 5.46% 2948 6.04% 70218 3.40% 3 0.20%
4 2463 4.56% 2463 5.05% 289102 13.99% 1 0.07%
5 1712 3.17% 15 0.03% 357 0.02% 6 0.40%
6 1396 2.58% 1396 2.86% 161012 7.79% 57 3.75%
7 1293 2.39% 1293 2.65% 149632 7.24% 1 0.07%
8 1245 2.30% 1183 2.43% 124199 6.01% 6 0.40%
9 1199 2.22% 1199 2.46% 138822 6.72% 9 0.59%
10 976 1.81% 976 2.00% 112987 5.47% 52 3.43%
11 903 1.67% 3 0.01% 71 0.00% 4 0.26%
12 868 1.61% 11 0.02% 262 0.01% 3 0.20%
13 724 1.34% 724 1.48% 17245 0.83% 4 0.26%
14 672 1.24% 672 1.38% 16006 0.77% 10 0.66%
15 572 1.06% 572 1.17% 13624 0.66% 6 0.40%
16 552 1.02% 552 1.13% 13147 0.64% 13 0.86%
17 547 1.01% 547 1.12% 13028 0.63% 16 1.05%
18 478 0.88% 478 0.98% 11386 0.55% 6 0.40%
19 466 0.86% 466 0.96% 11098 0.54% 5 0.33%
20 456 0.84% 456 0.94% 10862 0.53% 2 0.13%
21 455 0.84% 455 0.93% 10837 0.52% 5 0.33%
22 452 0.84% 452 0.93% 10766 0.52% 4 0.26%
23 448 0.83% 448 0.92% 10671 0.52% 7 0.46%
24 448 0.83% 448 0.92% 10670 0.52% 7 0.46%
25 433 0.80% 433 0.89% 10314 0.50% 26 1.71%
26 414 0.77% 414 0.85% 9861 0.48% 4 0.26%
27 410 0.76% 410 0.84% 9766 0.47% 6 0.40%
28 400 0.74% 400 0.82% 9528 0.46% 3 0.20%
29 384 0.71% 384 0.79% 9145 0.44% 4 0.26%
30 356 0.66% 356 0.73% 8479 0.41% 4 0.26%

Top 10 of 942 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2463 4.56% 2463 5.05% 289102 13.99% 1 0.07%
2 1396 2.58% 1396 2.86% 161012 7.79% 57 3.75%
3 1293 2.39% 1293 2.65% 149632 7.24% 1 0.07%
4 1199 2.22% 1199 2.46% 138822 6.72% 9 0.59%
5 1245 2.30% 1183 2.43% 124199 6.01% 6 0.40%
6 4747 8.79% 4747 9.73% 113063 5.47% 2 0.13%
7 976 1.81% 976 2.00% 112987 5.47% 52 3.43%
8 4514 8.35% 4514 9.26% 107520 5.20% 1 0.07%
9 2948 5.46% 2948 6.04% 70218 3.40% 3 0.20%
10 284 0.53% 284 0.58% 32473 1.57% 1 0.07%

Top 30 of 1455 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3188 5.90%
2 3115 5.76%
3 1411 2.61% - (Direct Request)
4 1395 2.58%
5 1261 2.33%
6 1245 2.30% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/
7 1131 2.09%
8 731 1.35%
9 679 1.26%
10 670 1.24%
11 668 1.24%
12 666 1.23%
13 662 1.23%
14 657 1.22%
15 654 1.21%
16 626 1.16%
17 625 1.16%
18 622 1.15%
19 612 1.13%
20 594 1.10%
21 573 1.06%
22 303 0.56%
23 288 0.53%
24 284 0.53% [url
25 279 0.52%
26 271 0.50%
27 270 0.50%
28 265 0.49%
29 260 0.48%
30 258 0.48%

Top 15 of 168 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2865 5.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 2846 5.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 2817 5.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
4 2810 5.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
5 2317 4.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 1928 3.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
7 1871 3.46% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 1840 3.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 1828 3.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
10 1009 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 994 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5042.0 Safari/537.36
12 993 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 988 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 985 1.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
15 983 1.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 17 of 17 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 19853 36.74% 15131 31.03% 948335 45.88% Unresolved/Unknown
2 14723 27.25% 14691 30.12% 350328 16.95% Network (net)
3 14561 26.95% 14499 29.73% 531155 25.70% Russian Federation
4 3025 5.60% 2628 5.39% 70153 3.39% Commercial (com)
5 1337 2.47% 1335 2.74% 154326 7.47% Germany
6 448 0.83% 448 0.92% 10671 0.52% Estonia
7 30 0.06% 18 0.04% 1489 0.07% European Union
8 24 0.04% 13 0.03% 48 0.00% Czech Republic
9 10 0.02% 0 0.00% 36 0.00% New Zealand
10 7 0.01% 0 0.00% 25 0.00% Australia
11 4 0.01% 0 0.00% 14 0.00% Canada
12 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 470 0.02% Tanzania
13 3 0.01% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
14 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 0.00% Ireland
15 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% Generic TLD (info)
16 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% Brazil
17 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% United Kingdom

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20